Telefonische Auskunft +34 693 50 92 94

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for our Tours

The following terms and conditions provide the basis for the activities of towards it’s potential clients, about the tours offered on our website.

It is assumed that you recognize these terms and conditions by accessing this website and in case of the realisation of an agreement.

1.        Validity

1.1 The following terms and conditions are valid for all tour contracts between and its contractual partners (subsequent “customer”).

1.2 The inclusion of conditions by the customer is rejected, unless both parties have expressly agreed otherwise.

2.        Conclusion of contract/Booking

Your verbal or written request is based on one or more tour offers of
Upon receipt of your request you will receive a written confirmation, which is binding for both parties. The contractual relationship takes effect by the acceptance by in written form.

With the conclusion of the contract the customer is obliged to pay the tour price.

3.        Services

The subject of the tour contract is the tour description at the moment of inquiring, including the price and the services offered on the website of, unless different arrangements are made at the time of booking. Such agreements may only be made in writing and must be proven by the customer in case of disagreement. All services, which are not expressly listed as included, are not included in the price.

4.        Payment

Payment is usually made on the spot, before the start of the tour. Unless, prepayments have to be made for the tour. In this case a deposit of at least 30% of the total price must be made. The exact amount of the deposit will be communicated when booking a tour.

5.        Method of payment

The payment for the tour becomes due upon receipt of the registration confirmation.

6.        Tour price

The tour price includes all services described in the tour description of under the item “Included in the price”.

7.        Withdrawal by the customer, change of reservation, replacement

7.1  The customer has the right to withdraw before the tour day. The cancellation by the customer must be submitted in writing to This can be done by mail, fax or email.

7.2 must recognize the cancellation in writting.

7.3 For a tour for which a deposit has to be made, the following withdrawal regulations will be applied:

  1. The withdrawal by the customer must be communicated to in writing. This can be done by mail, fax or email.
  2. must confirm the cancellation in writting.
  3. The customer must pay the following fees in case of cancellation:

a) For cancellations up to the 60th day before the beginning of the tour: 30% of the total price

b) For cancellations from day 59 up to the 40th day before the beginning of the tour: 50% of the total price

c) For cancellations from day 39 up to the 20th day before the beginning of the tour: 60% of the total price

d) For cancellations from day 19 up to the 1 day before the beginning of the tour: 90% of the total price

7.3  The customer is authorised to appoint a replacement who represents the him with all rights and obligations formulated in the contract.

7.4  A contractual or legal claim on the implementation of changes after the conclusion of contract regarding tour date, additional services or other essential contractual circumstances (transfers) does not exist.

9.        Withdrawal by

If the accomplishment of the contract is significantly hindered, endangered or impacted due to force majeure that was not foreseeable when the contract was concluded, has the right to cancel the contract.

10.        Liability

10.1 is liable within the scope of the due diligence of a regular merchant for:

  1. conscientious tour preparation
  2. careful selection and monitoring of service providers
  3. accuracy of the description of all tour services
  4. proper provision of the agreed tour services. is not liable for claims for damages after accidents caused by customers or that are in debt by a third party.

10.2 accepts no liability for adverse effects on the tour due to force majeure, such as power and water outage, severe weather, earthquakes, strikes or war .

11.        Place of jurisdiction and fulfilment

Place of fulfillment is the registered office or domicile of the defendent party.